Absolutely Free Blog Tool Saves You Time and Gets You Traffic...
 All at the Push of a Button!

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How to use this RSS feed button tool in 7 quick and easy steps:


1.  "Choose Feed Type" from the drop down box below.

2.  Fill in the blanks that appear after you "Choose Feed Type"

3.  Select the RSS feed buttons from the list below.

4.  Press the "Get RSS Feed Buttons Code" below.

5.  Press the "Highlight All" button below

6.  Copy the feed button code that is in the "Highlight All" box.

7.  Paste the feed button code on your blog or website.


Feedburner Users:
To use this free blog tool you will first need to login to your Feedburner account, then either burn a new rss feed or modify an existing rss feed. Click on the feed you want to feature, then click on Edit Feed Details. Here you will find the Feed Title and Feed Address. Copy & Paste them in the fields below. Select all the feeds you would like to feature on this tool below then click on Get Feedburner Feeds Code. Copy & Paste the code given below into your website, blog, or wordpress sidebar.

Tip: If you are adding the feed button code to your Wordpress blog website, paste the code into the sidebar.php file. Paste it between the <ul> and </ul> tags.)

Choose Feed Type:

Simply check the box next to the RSS feed buttons below that you'd like to feature on your blog or website.
(Add your feed to My Yahoo!)
Google Reader or Google Homepage (Add your feed to Google Homepage/Google Reader)
(Add your feed to Newsgator)
(Add your feed to My AOL)
(Add your feed to Netvibes)
(Add your feed to Bloglines)
(Add your feed to The Free Dictionary)
(Add your feed to a Bitty Browser)
(Add your feed to Plusmo)
(Add your feed to NewsAlloy)
add to excite mix (Add your feed to Excite MIX)
(Add your feed to netomat Hub)
(Add your feed to flurry)
(Add your feed to Webwag)
(Add your feed to Attensa)
(Add your feed to ZapTXT)
(Add your podcast feed to ODEO)
(Add your podcast feed to podnova)
(Add your podcast feed to Podcast Ready)
(Add your podcast feed to Pageflakes)
   Help Keep This Blog Tool Free by placing our buttons on your site :)
Check/Uncheck All

This box contains custom feed button(s) code

Tip: If you are adding the feed button code to your Wordpress blog website, paste the code into the sidebar.php file. Paste it between the <ul> and </ul> tags.


Please Add Our Feeds To Your RSS Readers!

 Subscribe to RSS
Add to Google Reader or Homepage Subscribe in NewsGator Online Add to My AOL
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